
Cymdeithasu yn Gymraeg... Socialising in Welsh

P'nawn da... ydych chi wedi clywed am e-chlysur?

Menter Caerdydd sydd wedi creu'r wefan (http://echlysur.com/) ac mae'n ffynhonell ddefnyddiol iawn sy'n eich hysbysu am nifer o ddigwyddiadau, gweithgareddau, gwasanaethau ayb sydd ar gael trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn yr ardal.

Gallwch gofrestru รข'r wefan er mwyn derbyn ebyst am unrhyw ddigwyddiadau ayb sydd ar y gweill - dyma'r llefydd delfrydol i glywed ac ymarfer y Gymraeg mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol.

Oes gennych chi syniadau?
Efallai eich bod chi wedi dod o hyd i fannau da i ymarfer y Gymraeg y tu allan i'r gwersi yn barod. Os felly, lle fyddech chi'n cynghori dysgwyr eraill i fynd er mwyn cael clywed ac ymarfer yr iaith?

Postiwch unrhyw syniadau ar y blog - edrych ymlaen i glywed gennych chi!
Good afternoon... have you heard about e-chlysur?

It's a very popular website (http://echlysur.com/) designed by Menter Caerdydd to inform you about the various events, activities, services etc that take place through the medium of Welsh in the area.

You can register with the website to receive emails about events etc coming up - these are ideal places to hear and practice your Welsh in informal surroundings.

Have you got ideas?
You might already know of good places to practice your Welsh outside the lessons. If so, where would you recommend to other learners as places to hear and practice the language?

Post any ideas on to the blog - looking forward to hearing from you!