
Cwrs Haf - Summer Course


Anonymous said...

Ron i'n dechrau dysgu am yr cwrs haf 2006. Ron i'n mwynhau yn iawn.

Thank you for adding the Uwch course this summer - if they'll release me from work, I'll definately attend. It might be a problem though for such a long time (I had to beg and scrape to get the time off last year). Any chance of considering 2-week courses next year?

Anonymous said...

Diolch am y sylwadau.Dw i'n falch eich bod ci wedi mwynhau'r Cwrs Pellach.Yn anffodus dydy hi ddim yn bosib i ni orffen cyrsiau mewn pythefnos. Felly dyn ni'n cynnal cyrsiau dros 4 wythnos i sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn gallu cwblhau'r cwrs a chofrestru ar y cwrs nesa ym mis Medi.
Thanks for the comments. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the Cwrs Pellach. Unfortunatelyit's not possible to teach the whole of our coursesin 2 weeks. Therefore by holding the courses over a 4 week period it's possible for learners to complete the courses and then continue on the next course in September.
Gareth Kiff Prif Diwtor/Principal Tutor