Bore da gyd-flogwyr llawen a gobeithio bod 2007 wedi cychwyn yn addawol i chi i gyd! Llion dwi ac o’n i’n meddwl y bydden i’n manteisio ar y cyfle i gyflwyno fy hun fel swyddog marchnata newydd Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a’r Bro Morgannwg! Mi hoffwn i annog pawb i ddefnyddio’r blog yma fel safle i ddarganfod beth sy’n digwydd o fewn y Ganolfan ac fel cyfrwng i gael dweud eich dweud yn onest am bethau.
Fy nod personol i yn y tymor byr fydd holi a gwrando ar gymaint â phosib o staff a myfyrwyr y Ganolfan cyn creu cynllun marchnata ar gyfer Caerdydd a’r Fro. Felly os oes gennych chi unrhyw beth i ’w ddweud, dyma’ch cyfle chi. Rhowch wybod sut mae eich cyrsiau Cymraeg yn mynd hyd yn hyn a beth yw eich barn amdanynt. Hefyd, beth yw eich nod(au) personol chi am y mis neu ddau nesaf?
I bostio eich sylwadau, cliciwch ar y botwm 'comments' ar waelod yr ebost.
Edrych ymlaen i glywed gennych chi!
Llion a gweddill tîm y Ganolfan.
Good morning bloggers and I hope that 2007 has started well for all of you! My name is Llion and I thought I’d take advantage of this opportunity to introduce myself as the new marketing officer for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre! I’d like to encourage everyone to use this blog as a site to find out what goes on within the Centre and as a medium to discuss anything you like.
My personal aim in the short term is to question and listen to as many of the Centre’s staff and students as possible before creating a marketing plan for Cardiff and the Vale. So if you have anything to say, this is your chance. Let us know how your Welsh courses are going so far and your opinions on them. Also, what are your personal aims for the next month or two?
To post your comments, click on the 'comments' button on the bottom of this email.
Looking forward to hear from you!
Llion and the rest of the team at the Centre.
Helo! A diolch am y blog newydd. Dwi'n credu bod hi'n fodd ardderchog i gyfathrebu gyda phawb syn dysgu Cymraeg yng Nghaerdydd a'r Fro.
Edrychaf ymlaen at weld mwy o wybodaeth ynglŷn â'r canolfan ar y safle hwn.
1)I don't like the floppy folders. They bounce back. I prefer the hard folders.
2) I suppose it doesn't really matter if we're sometimes obliged to use the Tremorfa room instead of the Rhath room, but room 10.11 is poky and inadequate.
3) I'd prefer a whiteboard to the paper and easel.
4) We should spend some time going over the homework 'essays' together. I regard these as a chance try out things I've learnt(?) on my own.
5) I'm enjoying the course.
6) I may post another comment later on
Good morning Erik, bore da!
Thank you for the constructive criticism, very useful. A response will follow shortly when the tutors come back from holiday.
If anyone else wants to add a comment as well, feel free to do so.
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